
Christmas Craft for Kids: Last Minute Gift Cards & Tags

This seriously take five to ten minutes to prep. It is well worth it and will buy you time to wrap gifts or drink a cup of coffee in relative peace. Emme sat and collaged for almost 45 minutes.

Take a gardening catalog. Begin by quickly tearing out pages with lots of Holiday arrangements and wreaths. Roughly cut out the flowers until you have a decent size stack. I used pinking shears but it is not necessary. Place glue in small container with a brush or use a glue stick. Give child card stock. Have them glue and overlap the pictures. Tell them to cover as much as the white space as possible. Let dry. Trim, fold, add ribbon.

Older kids could go back into collages with glitter glue if the wanted to jazz it up even more. I love getting the gardening catalogs but hate throwing them away. You can do this project again in the Spring for Mother's Day. It looks very pretty.


  1. Tanti auguri di Buon Natale e di un nuovo anno ricco di creazioni stupende!!!ciao maestralaura

  2. As always, just adorable!!

    Merry Christmas : )

  3. how sweet. stop by today you will be so proud...

    Merry Christmas.

  4. Very cute.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Oh, they are pretty. A simple craft, but so effective.

  6. hola!
    como siempre haces cosas chulisimas para hacer con los niños,
    feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo,

  7. That is really pretty, I'll have to remember that for Mother's Day! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, Kim!
