
Maze Craze

We are maze crazy here at the King house. I bought Lu a Kumon Maze book and she flew through it in one sitting! After inspecting the Kumon book I realized we could duplicate the look very easily on my computer. I used Illustrator, but you could use any drawing program. Lu and I (Lu was the Art Director) whipped up six mazes in about 10 minutes. Just use a large brush (I used 45 pt) to create your maze. So easy and fun to make. At this age, Lu doesn't mind redoing the same maze. So print out a couple of each and save them for another day. 

Mazes are a great way to help children develop writing skills.

On a similar note, Emme is cutting crazy. She sits at the table quietly and cuts everything up into tiny pieces. This girl can focus. I'll give her paper but then find her having silently moved on to anything she can get her little hands on. I am making some cutting pages with lines for her to follow so she will stop cutting up the mail, my unread magazines, my husband's Valentine's Day card...


  1. oh my goodness! your husband's valentines day card!! Tyler also loves to cut stuff. He calls it "using the snippers." And the concentration is intense...heavy breathing, furrowed brow, and pursed lips. So cute. Hope you all are well.

  2. that is just so neat.. I think I would get lost.

  3. Oh yes, we are maze crazy here too! Very very cute!!
