
You Got To Keep Them Separated!

New floors going in. Had to clear our main living level. Trying to keep the girls occupied with all their toys packed up. Built them a fort. Lasted about two minutes before I heard, "MOOOOMMMMM!" Followed by, "Waaaaahhhhhhh!" 

Enter fort number two. Some days it isn't worth my sanity to get them to work it out.

Everybody happy?

Too bad Emme can't read.

Now maybe I can empty out that closet. Not likely, but I'll try.


  1. LOVE the sign, and you are such a cool mom to build these forts for your daughters!

  2. Those forts are awesome! That sign is so cute. Siblings!! :-)

  3. This is the story of my life at the moment. My littlest doesn't want to play alongside anymore - she wants to play with and on top of her sister. I'm hoping it will get easier as her language improves but maybe we'll have to wait until they can read or write! LOL

  4. Nice try Lulu! lol

    So funny....we've got some fort action going on over here as well!

  5. Now this I understand completely! Don't touch me...but yet I still want to talk and see you...that's how it is in our house, how funny!
