
Winter Kids Craft: Glitter Stars

This craft is for those not adverse to mixing small children, glue and glitter together. I am fearless (perhaps a bit too fearless) and let my girls have at it with the glitter and glue. 

Supplies: paper bag, glue, glitter, old or cheap snowflake stamp, and a plastic lid to use as your "stamp pad"

Squirt glue onto plastic lid.  Squish around. Tap stamp into glue or paint glue on with paint brush. I just let the kids squish the stamp into the glue not worrying about even coverage.

Add glitter while glue is still wet. Work in sections if you are doing a large piece of paper. Tap excess glue off paper.

Use to make cards or gift tags.

Not a fan of glitter? Use plain old stamp pads.

Santa, if your reading this, we need new stamp pads!

Have fun crafting with your kids!

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