
Homemade Holidays: Ornament Crazy!

I have been a bit obsessed with needle felting these last few weeks. I have been making 100% wool ornaments by repeatedly sticking a special needle into the wool.  I begin by making the ball then I freehand the design onto the ball. There is something so relaxing and creative about the process. I am just a beginner so I would recommend checking out the web for instructions.

I love the scarf!

I still need to add the olive branch.

My girls really like this one.

I added beads to this one. My friends daughter taught me how to do it!

This last ornament is a project I am going to do with my Daisy Troop.  I just became a co-leader. The girls are earning their center patch. The ornament represents the patch and learning their pledge.


  1. I LOVE how those needle felted balls turned out! And how nice to have round ornaments that won't break if they fall off the tree!

  2. Oh my gosh those are freaking awesome! BTW I am co leader of a daisy troop too...I plan to scam your ideas so share a lot! :)

  3. Awesome!!I loved all your ornaments!!
