
Dairy Free Chocolate Bunny Pops and Popsicle Craft

I have to thanks M, a mom I met at my friends son's birthday party. Her son has more allergies than my daughter! I told her how I spent $8 on a dairy free chocolate bunny and $7 shipping! just so my Lu could have a chocolate bunny at Easter! It is so hard to see her staring at them in the store and then look up at me so sweetly and say, "I can't have those because I'm allergic to milk, right?" Well M. proceeded to tell me how she makes her own. Duh! I can't believe I didn't think of that before I spent $15 on a small chocolate bunny. $1.47 candy mold, some dairy free chocolate chips, Rice Crispies, some lollipop sticks and we were in business! I melted the chips, mixed in some Rice Krispies, spooned the chocolate in the mold, Lulu put the sticks in, and a bit more chocolate at the base. Easy, fun and cheap! Surprisingly they tasted great! Like a dark chocolate Nestle bar...but a bit softer in texture. Recommend storing them in the fridge after you wrap them up. Even if your kids don't have allergies try making your own chocolate some time. There is something so fun about popping your creation out of the mold!

LinkThought I'd leave you with our second popsicle stick person. Click here if you want to goto the original post. Lulu loved making the first one so much we had to make one for her swim teacher. Miss T. wears a long sleeve dark blue rash guard in case you were wondering why she had long sleeves on. This one Lu was able to do most of the coloring, gluing and assembling. I drew the swim suit on with a black sharpie and Lu colored it in. My main job was getting that pony tail to look right! In case your wondering why she is hanging cockeyed it is because she is suppose to be swimming. I had to punch the hole in her hand otherwise the hole would have been on her boob! She already looks a bit troubled to begin with!

I'll post the 5 winners of my first giveaway later today!


  1. Well done. We have not done chocolate yet as she is still under 2, but Im sure one day a time will come when she will request. Will keep this in mind. I'm in Australia but you can get dark chocolate milk free easter bilbies here (our version of the bunnie!).

    But very rewarding to make your own. I'm a 70% Lindt fanatic myself so might use this when I do.

    Thanks for the idea.

  2. What a great idea! I will be sure to do this for my little allergic guy when he's old enough to have such a treat!
