
Monthly Craft Challenge: Ribbon

Ribbon. I love ribbon, particularly grosgrain ribbon. When I started my now fizzled out card business pre-first child I went in to it as I do many things. Fly by the seat of my pants. Well long story short I still have 3 of these giant spools of pink ribbon left. I'm glad I like pink and have two girly girls. Many of you may have noticed how frequently pink ribbon pops up in my projects - now you will understand why. Here is a little retrospective of the many forms pink ribbon can take.






To see more ribbon crafts go to Heidi at Blue Eyed Blessing for the results from this months Ribbon Craft Challenge! I can guarantee you'll see something other than pink ribbon!


  1. cute stuff there! I need to do some weaving activities with my girlies :)

  2. Very creative! I like the weaving project, and I bet my daughter would really enjoy doing something like that too!

  3. What a great assortment of ideas! So pretty!

  4. You are just sooo creative!!! Love them! Have a great afternoon!

  5. I love the weaving ribbon idea, I think I'll have to try that with my kids. They'd love it.

  6. I'm loving that pink grosgrain ribbon, so I can see why you got huge spools of it! My favorite way to dress up a package is definitely with some ribbon, and grosgrain is even better!

    Love your cards...why did it fizzle?

    Thanks for joining in on the party! Happy Thursday!

  7. That is all wonderful ideas. Have a great day. If you want stop on by tomorrow for my Round Robin event.

  8. See now I'd love to have a gigantic spool of ribbon! It always seems that I run out when I need just a tiny bit more!

    I'm sad to hear you're out of the card business. I really loved the ones I got! I thought maybe you were still selling. Maybe you should look into Etsy and give it another try.

    As far as brads go, they are really easy to work with. I assume you know what they are. Let me know if you don't They come in a whole range of sizes and colors and are pretty inexpensive for a lot. They add a really nice touch to a lot of projects.

    My felt flowers came with holes in the center, I just stuck them in. The prongs are hidden underneath the flowers, all you have to do is make sure you position them on the ribbon covered barrette so that the prongs are glued on top. Does that make sense?

  9. Love all your ideas! I keep meaning to do that weaving project with my daughter!

  10. Love all your creative ideas...So cute!

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