
Paper Mache Project Complete

Here are the finished paper mache projects we were working on.

Dinosaur Egg with toy dino inside

Lu had fun trying to open the Dinosaur Egg. I guess we did a little too good a job of layering on the paper mache. It was rock hard!

Bowl with Dixie cup flower accents
We used the Dixie cup flowers, some ribbon and a ton of glitter to decorate the bowl. The greenish coloring inside the bowl is glitter. I think Lu is most proud of the bowl.


  1. It turned out great. Your girls are so lucky. They get to do so many fun projects.

  2. I am so sorry that I have not been able to comment on your totally rockin' entries lately - my computer has so been on the fritz! Hopefully we will get it set soon. We go on vacation next week and my hubby does not want to deal with it until we get back. Just know I will catch up on all your awesome creations when I return on the 28th. Until then {{hugs}}
