
Clover Collage

Here is a fun summer activity for all ages! It comes from a post I saw over at Valerie's blog The Frugal Family Fun Blog. Which is always full of great activities!

FFFB used a very ingenious lint roller for collecting the clovers. We did not have one on hand. Instead I affixed a piece of clear contact paper to two large Popsicle sticks. Let the girls collect their clovers and then covered with another piece of contact paper. Even Lu & Em's 9 year old cousin had fun making her one.

Valerie also suggested making a placemat or even a bracelet with your clover collage!

Thanks Valerie for another great idea!


  1. That is a "clever" clover collage! Thanks for sharing!


  2. We have made contact paper collages, but adding the large popsicle sticks makes it so much easier to handle. good thinking!

  3. Great adaptation of Valerie's idea, I really like the idea of adding craft sticks for stability.

  4. Looks like she had a lot of fun! Way to improvise with what you had on-hand. I love it!! And thank you so much for the link!

  5. I just found your blog from my friend Rachel's. Your blog is really cute!!!
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  6. That is so wonderful and look at the green.
