
Sizzix Felt Dolls

I wanted to thank my girlfriend Krissy for watching the girls while I shuttle off to various doctor appointments. She has a three year old daughter, AC, who my girls adore just as much as I adore Krissy. Best friends in the making! I thought AC, being a girly girl, would love this little felt set.

Since I am on orders to take it easy - this was the perfect project. I got to break in my new Sizzix Bigkick (I know I am behind the times!) I got for my birthday. What fun! Lu had so much fun turning the crank and separating the pieces from the felt. Afterwards I just sat and had fun decorating the mini dresses. I found the dolls and the wigs to be a bit delicate so I glued two of each together. I made one wig "blond" on one side and "brunette" on the other. Before I glued the doll together I sewed on little bead eyes.

I lined a tie box with felt on both sides. Glued a ribbon around the box so it opens flat but the top is attached to the bottom. I allowed for a loop handle so she could carry it around. I decorated the front with felt flower. The box can be held closed with two pink hair elastics (not shown.)


  1. those are just cute! Hope you're feeling better- we're missing you!

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  3. That is absolutely beautiful. I was hoping you would send a link to where I could buy it and then saw that you made it!! Amazing! I know L would adore playing with something like that. Let me know if you decided to sell them and I will be first in line.

  4. This is adorable! I would love to get my hands on a die-cut machine at some point...

  5. Wow, those are crazy-cute! How did she ever handle all the cuteness?? It's like cuteness overload!!!

  6. this is really cute!! I just love that it is felt...of course. I hope you ARE taking it easy...and that your girls are going easy on mama, hope you are to be feeling better soon. Oh, what age do you recommend for this gift? I know that at the right age, my daughter would love this girly girl stuff too. But I think she is a bit young yet...

  7. Abbie - Because there are small parts I would recommend this for a child old enough not to put things in her mouth.

  8. Wow! These are precious! What a cute (and extremely creative) idea! I bet she will LOVE it! Thanks so much for coming by my blog today and commenting on all of my craft bazaar goodies! :)

  9. How do you get the clothes to stay on the dolls?

  10. Anonymous - Felt sticks to felt. It pulls off easily but sticks well enough if you held it up.

  11. How cute! Don't worry you're not behind the times! I still love my old fashioned die cut machines. One reason is because they do cut through felt so nicely☺ These are adorable, I don't have this size doll cut out. I think I have an itty bitty sized one. May have to start looking for this size now that I see all the crafty fun that can be had!

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  13. C-U-T-E!!! Now I want a doll set for my Sizzix : )

  14. Good Morning,

    You have a beautiful blog that I enjoy reading on a weekly basis. ☺ You inspire and move me with your creativity and your spunk. On that note, I want to present you with an award, “The Versatile Blogger” Award. You have earned it!

    Go here to accept your award:

    Have a great day and.. Happy Creating!

    Candice S.

  15. Thus is super cute and I featured it on y blog today!
