
Dairy-Free/Egg-Free Chocolate Cookies

Finally! A recipe that is not only dairy (we use soy butter) and egg free - it is sooooo easy! Oh yeah, and doesn't taste like dirt. Don't get me wrong, the addition of real butter would make these taste even better but for a kid who doesn't know what real butter tastes like (Paula Dean's worst nightmare!) she thinks these are pretty scrumptious. Wahoo!

The recipe originally found in Reader's Digest is a Nigella Lawson recipe. It is not available on the RD site but I found it on Oprah's site. Click here for the recipe, Chocolate Shortbread Christmas Cookies.

One of the best features of this recipe is that you simply dump all the ingredients in a food processor. This made it so fast and easy. I helped Lu measure and dump the ingredients. I closed the food prossesor and let Lu press the button. After that you simply scoop (use a mini ice cream scoop with a release button makes it even easier!), flatten & bake! Love it! I may be crafty but I am not even remotely skilled in crafting cookies, cakes or pies. Too precise of a science for my artistic spirit! These are so easy I am making another batch before Christmas since the girls and hubby are making their way through these.

After you bake them and they cool you mix up an easy glaze/frosting and then add sprinkles...

Can you tell I let the girls loose with the sprinkles!


  1. Thank you so much I have been looking for a recipe. My uncle is allergic to all animal dairy so it makes it hard around the holidays when baking.

  2. Somewhere I have a yummy vegan choc cookie recipe with dried apricots in it (you could omit them I guess or use other dried fruit instead.) I'll see if I can dig it out for you.

  3. it makes it hard around the holidays when baking.
    Work from home India

  4. These sound yummy! Have you ever made wacky cake (just google it for the recipe if you haven't)?
