
Feed The Birds

Todays Advent Calender note said to feed the birds. A simple and time tested activity perfect for preschoolers. We used Crisco instead of peanut butter (Lu's allergies.) Lu had fun smearing on the"glue" with her own plastic knife. I put the seeds in a Dixie Cup and had her sprinkle them on to the pine cone and Crisco.

Even though she is not allergic to seeds I just wanted to be safe she didn't touch them since it was a blend and who knows if some nuts got mixed up in the blend.

We'll be watching for some bird friends to visit our treats.

Hope your making time for some quiet moments amidst all the chaos than can be the holiday season.


  1. She looks very pleased with her bird feeder =)

  2. I do not think the birds are out here. We have tons of snow..

  3. food only a bird would love!!! how fun!

  4. They turned out lovely! Lu must have been so proud!! We make ours with shortening too -- not because of allergies, but because I am not about to share my precious peanut butter with the birds! ;-)

  5. Thanks for reminding me I wanted to do this with Emily :0)

  6. Too funny. I did a post with the same title a few days ago. Great minds eh? I loved making those birdfeeders with my daughter when she was young and with my class when I taught Kindergarten. If you are looking for more bird feeding ideas, check this out:

  7. this cool, I had been looking for a tutorial for this kind of craft. I did these when I was a child, but I didn't remember the particulars! Thanks! Hope you are feeling better. oh, did you get the seed from a big box store? my kids will probably end up eating it. :)
