
It's begining to feel a lot like Christmas...

Gingerbread House...Check!

Christmas card photo shoot...check!

Typo on the Christmas Card...Check!

(Don't design Christmas Card with toddler on your lap. Kodak Gallery will not stop orders after you press send. Oh well.)

Wishing you a joyful holiday and and an amazing 2010! (Can you spot the typo?)


  1. Oh well, at least your card is done. Mine isn't and it is causing me great stress.

  2. If I did this all my little one would want to do it eat the candy... Love the pictures the girls are just so cute.

  3. Most people will skip right over that typo, your brain automatically does when reading it, at least mine did LOL Your girls look beautiful!

  4. Christy - Stress is exactly why I was in the crank this sucker out mode. With every card I received the more my stress level went up!

  5. Your girls are BEAUTIFUL! What sweet pictures... and and I always see typos or spelling errors like a sore thumb- it is the teacher in me! ha ha!

  6. I'm loving that first shot! perfect!

  7. I read it four or five times before I saw the typo!

    Cute, cute photos of your girls =)

  8. Ohhh my God!! your litle girls are sooo beautiful!! My card is not done!! argggggggggg :DDD

    Hugsssssss & Merry Xmas :)

  9. Adorable picutures. I missed the typo and had to reread it. I still need to do our cards.

  10. Hey, you mis-typed and I mis-read, so it all evens out, right?? Hope you have a wonderful holiday! The girls look amazingly beautiful in their holiday dresses. You must be so proud of them!

  11. The girls look so beautiful in their dresses! They are such fancy ones! I love the snowglobe picture:)

  12. Funny enough I read the card so fast the first time I did not see the typo! You have to love mind tricks. Thanks for entering the Barefoot Books giveaway and good luck!

  13. One year I misspelled my own hubbys name on our cards. Brian was brain.

  14. Thanks for the visit to my blog and for your beautiful words :)

  15. I can't believe you actually managed to eke out a Christmas card at ALL less than a month after surgery. I? Am impressed.
