
Weekend Recap: Making Crayons & Crazy Paper Tube Sculpture


We finally got around to making some crayons. It took forever to peal all the crayons! We thought we had a huge bowlful...  Turns out it only made 5 muffin tin crayons. Which is OK since it was a fun activity and the girls enjoyed watching the crayons melt before their eyes. Both girls are having fun using their homemade rainbow crayons.


I was trying to make a funky lantern... It is not so much a lantern but I think it came out pretty cool. Plus, the girls think it makes a funny hat. You need a paper towel tube, scissors and a stapler. Paint would make it look festive.


  1. We need to melt crayons sometime.

    I like your funky lantern thing. It could make a cute monster, too, if you decorated it with some googley eyes =)

  2. thank you for visiting my blog. unfortunately some posting are in malaysian language. anyhow, thank you again for your kind words :D

    wow, the funky lantern caught my eyes...gonna be in my list-to-do with my kids :)

  3. very cool valentine's day giftie or so I am told. I should definitely do this for T's cavities. How are you all doing? We are under almost 3 feet of snow here. Did you get any? Running a little low on sleep since Sydney is sick and not sleeping well. This too shall pass..more coffee? :)

  4. LOVE the paper towel sculpture! Awesome.

  5. the crayons would be fun! my dad used to make candles like this...with a wick in the center.

  6. Oooh, first thing I thought when I saw your toilet roll tube creation was "bar magnet field lines". That could be an interesting way to reinforce a lesson on magnetism for young scientists!

    Like this...

    But then I am a physics geek, so I see that sort of stuff in everything ;)

  7. I love the tube sculpture! I just did a multi tube sculpture with my daughter. I want to do one of these sculptures with paint!
