
Jimmie's Collage

Ticia from Adventures in Mommydom told me about a Chinese New Year contest over at Jimmie's Collage. Jimmie is an American mom homeschooling her daughter in China. 

We didn't win the contest (although it sure feels like we did!) Jimmie was kind enough to send us a wonderful little package filled with interesting treasures from China. Seeing the Ywon was so cool. Lu was over the moon since she loves all things Chinese -- despite the fact we are Korean. Did you all know she was taking Chinese language classes for her own enjoyment? When I asked her if she preferred to take Korean classes she simply stated that she wanted to be Chinese. OK, why not? America is the land of reinvention.

Thank you to Jimmie's Collage! Check out her blog to read about their life in China. I have enjoyed looking at their Crafts, Lap Booking and Note Booking sections.


  1. Congratulations! I just never got a project going that would have worked to join that contest, but I'm so excited for you!

  2. How exciting! Emily would go NUTS for a package like that. Funny how she and Lu share the same obsession with China.... and we're not Chinese either! Go figure!

  3. please check my blog as I am sending you a virtual basket and hope you will send a spring basket along to raise money for a great cause
    check at

  4. I'm THRILLED that you like it. I know, the money is the best, isn't it? Everyone always loves the money. And we do too. We have a nice coin collection from our travels and flat traveler exchanges.

    That's so funny about your daughter wanting to be Chinese. :-)
