
Teacher's Appreciation Week

Luckily Teacher's Appreciation Week is celebrated at the end of May at Lu's school.
I am one of the room mom's for Lu's class. Last year we made a sign for her teacher's door and gave her teacher's homemade pads. This year I wanted to get the kids in Lu's class involved a bit more. I found these cute cut out people at Michael's Craft Store. I am sending home one person for each child to personalize any way they would like. I am also asking parents to help their child write one nice thing about their teachers on a blank quote bubble that will be displayed with each person. Once I get them all back, I will attach them to a large banner to hang on the classroom door.

I'll post the results later.


  1. what a great idea! This is our family's first pre-school teacher appreciation week experience...we are doing "give your teacher a hand". Tracing a hand in some manner and each child will create his or her own card and dictate why they think their teacher deserves a "hand." I am planning on having Tyler do a little watercolor over a permanent ink tracing...should be interesting...How is everything going there? Okay I hope. I think I speak for everyone when I say, "we hope to have you back soon!"

  2. What a great way to get all the kids involved! Lu's teacher will treasure it forever!! :-)

  3. That sounds gorgeous. I'm sure the teacher will love reading the kids' comments.

  4. Funny. I picked these same cut outs up the other day for a class of mine at the OKCMOA. We are doing costume design! I hope ours turn out as cute! I am happy I found your blog! Awesome stuff!
