
Family fun Magazine

Hello! I am still in the midst of moving. Just wanted to pop in and share some exciting news. Family Fun Magazine (a must subscription for crafty mamas) just featured a 4 Crazy Kings jellyfish craft in the Every Day Fun section of the August issue. We even made the Blogs We Love status! 

How's this for irony? Since we are moving my subscription to FF has been interrupted! So the one month I am featured is the one month I don't receive my magazine! Not to worry, I saw my feature on their digital edition!

I'll be back to blogging regularly once we are settled in our new home. Until then, enjoy the rest of your summers! Much love, Mama King


  1. Congrats on the feature, our magazine literally just came, so I'll have to check it out =)

    Hope moving in goes smoothly!

  2. My have I missed you! Hurry up and get all moved in and settled!

    Congratulations on the feature! That is HUGE! An awesome craft for an awesome magazine! YEAH!!!

  3. This is wonderful news!! Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see it. :-)

  4. Congrats!I saw your craft-loved it!

  5. I have an award for you.


  6. I just got my FIRST copy of Family Fun and found your blog through the magazine. So excited to explore your blog!!!!

  7. congrats. that's massive!

    I hope movings going well. I'm looking forward to you having moved (though probably not as much as you are!) so we can hear more from you.

  8. Congratulations and best wishes as you settle in...

  9. I have an award for you
    Great blog.
    Blessings Bea

  10. (I know I'm waay late for this ut my google reader is backed up ;) )

    Congratulations! That is so freaking awesome!

  11. I miss you Kim! I hope you're all settling into your new digs. I'm so excited for you and your Blogs We Love status☺ I even gave you a shout out in today's post.

  12. The girls and I were so excited when we saw your name and craft featured in the magazine. I bookmarked this project long ago and we're actually doing it today at my "Cool Stuff for your Backyard" camp!!

    Hope the unpacking/settling is going well!

    pink and green mama

  13. Hello! I actually was getting my hair done today and say the FF magizen and what do you know I see your jellyfish craft and blog. How wonderful. Congrats!

  14. I was THRILLED to see your blog in the magazine. WOW I thought to myself - I discovered this great crafting momma before they did.
    Can't wait to work in that jellyfish craft into our homeschool animal classification lesson.
    Best wishes on your settling in.
