
Pine Cone Bird Feeders

The weather has started to get colder. We even found snow blanketing our lawn yesterday morning. The colder weather brings back such wonderful memories of my cold weather childhood traditions. The girls and I have found we are starting some cold weather traditions of our own.

Walking through the woods in the fall has become a favorite activity of ours. Hearing the leaves crunch under our feet and collecting pine cones. Lu remembered us making pine cone bird feeders last year and asked to make them again. We use Crisco because Lu is out growing her allergy to peanuts. I gave the girls Popsicle sticks to use as knives. I tied a ribbon onto the end of the pine cone. I gave them each a container of Crisco to coat the pine cone with. Then they each had a large plastic container with bird seed in it. The rolled and sprinkled their pine cones with the seed.

Afterwards we toasted marshmallows in the fire place...

What cold weather traditions do you have with your children?


  1. Just adorable! But now I am craving marsh mellows - I wish I had a fireplace!

  2. Aww so cute! We went on a walk the other day and collected a bag full of pine cones to do the same thing. I hadn't thought of using crisco though! That's a good idea.

    Usually after playing outside when it's chilly out, we come inside and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa or warm apple cider. We'll all snuggle up on the couch under a warm blanket and watch a fun family movie together, or do a craft project together. I looove fall weather and all of the fun that comes with it.

  3. Cocoa sounds good! Sometimes it is the simplest things that stay with us. :-)
