
Thanksgiving Kids Craft: Paper Tee Pees

 Thank you for being patient with me while I update the look of the blog. I felt it needed a face lift and then I realized I didn't like it being so busy. many hours later and it looks pretty much the same. Just new header picture. In case you were wondering what the picture is, it is a closeup of this butterfly collage that Lu, Em & I made last year for the Holocaust Museum's Butterfly Project.

Back to business, I signed the girls up for a Native American Customs and Crafts class. They made these cute little tee pees their first class.  Very simple to make for even the youngest crafter.

Trace a large circle using a plate or bowl. Cut in half. Decorate tee pee. The curved edge will be the bottom and the straight edge the top. Tape top half. Fold flaps up.

Older children could research traditional decorative symbols before decorating theirs.


  1. I love your butterfly.

    And the Tee Pee project is neat, and perfect for Thanksgiving season.
