
Simple Valentine Photo Card with Envelope

Here is a fast way to make a special looking Valentine's Day card. The great part is there is a lot of room for your little one to decorate the envelope and inside. Older kids will be able to do this card from start to finish. They just need to be strong enough to use a crafting punch (they can be a bit hard to use!) 

I used a sentence strip for the envelope, which worked out to be the perfect width, but you can use card stock. 

Trim card stock to fit your photograph. Fold in half to create the envelope.

I used a craft punch to punch out a notch on top.

If you would like, use a decorative craft punch to jazz up one side of your envelope.

Tape sides with paper tape, colored tape or scotch tape.
Trim excess tape.

Glue card stock or colored paper to the back of your photo. 

Punch hole and add ribbon.

The photo card should fit in envelope easily. If not, trim photo card.

Have your child decorate the envelope and back of photo. Stickers, markers, even a little glitter glue would be pretty. Have fun crafting with your kids!


  1. So cute!! Love this little craft and your new blog header!! They are both adorable, colorful and fun. : )

    pink and green mama,

  2. Found you from Deb's site......Love your blog.
    I just joined!
    Marcia :)
    from Learning Ideas - Grades K-8

  3. Those are super cute and so smart. I love the way you did the envelope! Thanks for the how-to and the shout-out today! You're the best and I'll be linking.
