
The 4 Crazy King's Meet the Mama's A Mess Crew

We just returned from visiting my husband's best friend and his family in Hawaii. While in Hawaii I had to see if Sharon over at Mama's A Mess Blog would consider meeting me. My husband found the prospective meeting of my "blog friend"  incredibly amusing. I ignored him and scheduled our meeting at the Dole Plantation. I was thrilled Sharon was just as excited to meet me. After all, we felt like we already knew each other! We have been corresponding since 2009.

Sharon and I greeted each other like long lost friends. It was so great to see her and her beautiful girls. We just started talking and laughing. It was just as I hoped it would be. I mean any woman who names her blog Mama's A Mess has got to be cool, funny and laid back. I only wish she lived down the street from me!

The girls were a bit shy with each other at first... 

but that didn't last too long!

Lu adored Kailani. She wouldn't let go of her by the end of our meeting.

Kailani showed the girls how to do the "hang loose" hand signal, Shaka. Em wasn't too sure...but got it eventually!

None of us wanted to say good bye! We wished we could have stayed longer so we could have planned another play date. The King's are huge fans of all the Kritzler ladies! 

Thanks for a great afternoon, Sharon! I am so glad we met and know this is only the beginning of our friendship! Notice no quotations around friendship :-)

By the way my husband totally loved Sharon and her kids too! Sometimes you just got to blog to understand.

Have any of you met up with favorite bloggers (other than conventions?) I'm not at the convention level yet. How was it?


  1. This looks like so much fun!

    I ALMOST met up with Lynn from Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile in December. Then we had car issues and it didn't happen. We should go back to Utah at some point since my grandparents all live there, so hopefully next time!

    I did meet a couple local bloggers at the SeaWorld event, and that was fun, but less exciting than it would have been if they were people whose blogs I was already reading!

  2. @ MaryAnne: Too bad you didn't get to meet up. It is fun to meet esp. when you feel like you've watched their kids grow!

  3. Kim!!! Thrilled is an understatement! And then to run into you again at Matsumoto's was an extra special treat! Definitely friends forever! Give the girls a big hug (and a shaka) from us! :)

  4. That is so very special that you were able to meet up on your vacation! I love the friendly and supportive environment of the blogging world! All of your pictures are too cute too! Kerri
