
Really, I am trying to get organized...

I found these sad, half used tubes of paint and glitter, from a craft kit long since crafted, while I was attempting to organize one of my many craft cabinets.  I was going to toss them but my daughter caught me before I could dispose of the goods and asked if she could squeeze them out onto a piece of paper. Why not?

This gave me an idea. I suggested she fold the paper in half and smoosh.

"Cool!" gushed Lulu.

We let it dry. Now what to do with it? The girls never get tired of turning anything into a butterfly.
So I traced Lu's hand onto the paper...

Lu added some more sequins and glitter for good measure.
She is planning on gluing it to another piece of paper to make a card for her friend's birthday.
As for cleaning out the could take all summer at this rate :-)


  1. Well, creating beautiful art like that is much more fun than organizing a cabinet!!!!!!

  2. Thanks Christy! So true! Hope your summer has gotten off to a good start.

  3. I am trying to get organized too but I just find a way to use everything I come across!

  4. How pretty!

    Making something beautiful is always better than organizing - which, sadly, explains the current state of my house!

  5. Great improvising! I love that you made something so pretty out of almost trash. Sometimes the best ideas are unplanned.
