
Mini Pull String Pinata

We went to a party and there was a pull string pinata. Lu and Em came home and proceeded to take a box out of the recycling bin and start filling it with bead necklaces, squinkies and plastic rings. They came to me and wanted me to tape it closed and put a string on it so they could hang it up.  I had to ask, "What are you guys doing?" "We're making a pinata!" Oh...of course.

Their pinata served its purpose but I decided we needed a snazzier model.

We made an easy mini pull string pinata out of a empty cracker box. We decoupaged the box by gluing tissue paper onto the box. I find it is the fastest way of covering a printed surface. Water down glue and have the kids rip up some tissue paper. Use a foam brush or large craft brush to apply the glue. Make sure you leave the bottom open. When dry enough to handle and still fold flaps, punch holes along the flaps. Thread long strips of ribbon through the holes. Secure one ribbon tightly to the inside of the flap. This is the ribbon that will open the pinata. The others will just slide out when pulled. Once the ribbons are attached, fill with small toys or candy, then fold the flaps to the closed position. Glue two piece of tissue paper to secure flaps (or tape.) Make sure you don't make it too hard to open. Let dry.

Once dry, let the kids decorate the box. Lu cut out the spots and Em made the balloon drawing while we waited for the box to dry.

Make everyday a party!

Have fun crafting with your kids. XO Mama King


  1. I never thought to do a pull string pinata, that is a cool idea.

  2. You are SO CLEVER!!! This is adorable! So fun to do with the kids!

  3. This is really cute! I'm considering a pull string pinata for our next birthday party...

  4. Excellent idea! All the fun of pinata without the injuries caused by little boys yielding sticks!

  5. Great project! I just wanted to let you know that we featured this project on our Facebook page with over 19,000 fans. We’d love it if you’d use our Featured Blogger button, available at: Our audience loved the project and we look forward to sharing more from you. Please let us know if you have any questions or projects you’d love us to feature! Thanks!

  6. Just stopping by to let you know that I have featured your project on Fun Family Crafts today! You can see it here

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