
Giant Eye Spy Art Piece

We saw this giant eye spy at our local kids museum. Isn't it great? What a great idea for a pre school class or playroom! This would be easy to do with a bunch of those photo laser stickers and a large thrifted tray.  Spray paint the tray white, add stickers and hang.  Awesome!

Kids Craft: Bow & Arrow Set

The girls are Merida crazy despite the fact we haven't seen Brave.  We are almost to the end of the junior novelization of the story and of course you can not miss all the advertisements and product hawking that goes into any movie these days. Lu has been asking me to make her a bow and arrow set for a while it is! To my surprise it actually works. This was the lazy mommies attempt at making a bow and arrow set. I am sure I will be amazed when I bother to google homemade bow and arrow sets.  This took about 10 minutes from start to finish.  The paper towel tube is by far her favorite part of the set.  She is walking around with it on now!

Have fun crafting with your kids! Mama King