
Mama's a (Super Talented) Mess!

Look at what arrived in the mail yesterday! A beautiful handmade reversible crayon apron from Sharon over at Mama's A Mess. One side has pockets and the other has slots for crayons which Sharon kindly filled for us. The apron is beautifully constructed and the print is adorable! 

You can imagine the dispute that followed between my two girls. Well, Sharon, being a Mama to two girls understands these things and...

...gave us a second apron!!! Isn't it adorable? It has a Velcro closure and is also reversible.

This one is much more grown up looking (wink, wink) don't you think?
This reminds me of something Strawberry Shortcake would wear (wink, wink.) 
Aren't the cupcakes cute!
Anyway, Kailani and Momo's Mommy wants you two to share the aprons. 
(Picture me pretending to read that in the letter.)

(Holding my breath...)

Lu: Em can have the crayon apron! This apron is MUCH BETTER! Mommy, let's bake something so I can wear my apron.

(Ahhhh! phew!)

Good thing because Emme was NOT taking off the crayon apron! 

Also included in the package was a great cupcake matching game.

If you haven't checked out Mama's A Mess I recommend that you do. Sharon and her two gorgeous girls are a hoot! They are always doing something crafty (check out her cupcake party) or educational (check out her 50 State Postcard Exchange or most recently Flat Stanley Project.) Sharon will also be opening an Etsy Store called Happy Hapa. I can't wait! 

I forgot to mention, we won this apron from the Mama's A Mess Apron Giveaway.

Thank you Sharon!


  1. OH. MY. GOSH!

    This has got to be one of the nicest thank yous I have ever received!!! WOW. Thank you so much for the post, the credit and the gratitude! I am speechless....and that is rare! lol

  2. I love the aprons. I made one for my son but it was for painting/cooking and had no crayon holes. So cute and they model them so well! :-)

  3. So cute. I really need to make one of those.

  4. Thanks for the Birthday wish for my Grandma..

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Nice psychology, I'm always crossing my fingers on stuff like that with my twins. Especially with two great choices you just hope they'll each like a different one. That made me laugh. What cute aprons and I love the crayon holder, that is such a great idea, she definitely needs an Etsy shop.

  6. I am so jealous, they look adorable! Sharon is a pretty awesome lady :)
