
Painting Shamrocks... BORING!

Making dinosaur tracks. FUN!!

Followed by dinosaur bath time! MORE FUN!!

Flexibility is key when crafting with kids. Sometimes you've just got to go with the flow!


  1. Hee hee, we have the same dinos here.
    So true on flexibility.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more! Looks like a lot of fun! :-)

  3. Oooo...but I like the shamrocks. OK, so maybe the dinosaur tracks are more fun. Kid art has actually been one of the biggest parenting adjustments for me. As a 'trained' artist, I find the going with the flow thing very difficult - especially when it comes to color mixing. I'm getting better at it though:D

  4. Lately this seems more and more the way our crafting goes. Starting last fall all she wants to do is make these very colorful completely covered sheets of scribbles. But at least she's happy and it takes a long time.

  5. I LOVED this post! I can't tell you how many times I hear "Boring" or have less interested kids in my idea of the day...I love how you ran with their imaginations, that is inspiring. Great job and thanks for sharing.

  6. you know, once I learned this, crafting with my kids was a whole lot more fun. I just love the pics...

  7. I love that :) Flexability really is the key. Art should be fun :D I love your blog!
