
Asian New Year Craft: Year of the Rabbit

I've got bunnies on the brain! 

The Lunar (also called Sol Nal, Tet, Asian or Chinese) New Year is approaching. 
February 3rd begins the year of the Rabbit.

 We will be participating in a potluck New Year party. Each family is bringing a different dish from their or their child's native country. We will be doing crafts, playing traditional games, wearing traditional clothes... I am really looking forward to it. 

I have to think up the perfect craft. This one above is cute but not the one we will be doing. Even though it is simple it required a glue automatically it was disqualified. 

If you have older children or are inclined to try this yourself (maybe save it for Easter) here is how I made it.

Supplies: paper tube, string, google eyes and glue gun

Flatten a paper tube.
Cut 3 identical width strips from tube.
Cut string for hanging.
Glue string between the base of two of the paper tubes. See photo.
Glue ears to the last section of tube.
Run a bead of glu on the top inside edge of the head.
Carefully place eyes to glue. Hold until dry.
Add a bit more glue behind eyes to ensure they stay in place.

Simple! Would make a cute ornament on an Easter-themed indoor twig tree. 

Stayed tuned for more bunny-centric crafts.


  1. This is super cute. I can't wait to see what you come up with for the actual party!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Very cute!
    When I saw it I thought of Easter straight away :)
    Absolutely love it!

  3. It is super cute, but you're right glue gun does eliminate it from little guys.

  4. I was wondering what year the new baby would be born in, thanks. I have one lucky golden pig, and one monkey, I think. Love the craft.
