

I never thought that I would or could ever consider myself a knitter. Well, with a new home, a new town, a new state came a new and unexpected group of friends, my knitting group (as I fondly refer to them.) Unexpected because I don't knit or didn't knit until I met these amazing ladies.  Mind you, I had only tried knitting as a Girl Scout back in the 80's. I don't even think I earned a badge because like many things I try I don't end up completing. Well, no more! With the guidance and patience of my knitting group I made my first project! This is no beginners first project either. I knitted the popular Citron Shawl. I used the most beautiful hand dyed yarn from String Theory. The shawl hasn't been blocked or finished yet -- I need the help of my knitting group to do that! 

I don't think I could have done this if it hadn't been a "knit along project". We all worked on our own shawl. As I beginner I could see first hand what it was suppose to look like and what the pitfalls of deciphering the pattern were. It took me twice as long to complete as the others (partly because I started over several times). 

The other neat thing about my knitting group, besides the fact they are so warm and welcoming, is 2 of the women have adopted children and one is an adult adoptee! I am not kidding you. I joined this group because of a friend of my husbands said "I know someone who lives in your new town. You should meet them." Crazy. You can imagine, I feel right at home as an adult adoptee mama to an adopted daughter! This is the group we are doing the Asian New Year potluck with.

Drumroll, please...

So here is the kicker. What you can't tell is -- it is too small for me! I knit so tightly it came out teen sized! (I also have the shoulders of a line backer!) Good thing I have two daughters who will inherit it some day.


  1. Ohh, this looks fabulous! Your first try, I am very very impressed! You did a great job. I hope you see a lot of knitting in your future! It is kind of addicting!

    And that is so cool about your knitting group. Who would have thought the luck.

    Happy new year to you!

  2. Your shawl looks so beautiful! And the knitting group sounds fantastic!

  3. I have followed your blog for a while and love your kid friendly crafts but this shawl is fantastic well done. Please stop by my blog if you have time.

  4. Ahh-- the next thing your friends need to teach you: the beauty of GAUGING your project. It may seem like no fun to waste time doing a little square of knitting, but it can save your butt on the final project. And I know, I'm a tight-knitter too!

    I have been furiously knitting candy-cane striped hats before Xmas, now finishing the twins' stripies for use in rest of winter. Then I have the cutest lamb-y to make for a new baby. I have some fun patterns to share, just let me know & I'll fill an envelope for you!
