
Kids Craft: A Pirate's Life For Me...

The girls have been playing Pirate lately. It may be because Disney has just released a new cartoon called, Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

I decided they needed an X to mark the spot. I cut out a red X out of left over felt and a couple dozen brown "dashes" to point in the direction of the treasure. Two decorated paper towel rolls (telescopes), a shoe box full of "treasure" and two left over pirate hats from Lu's birthday and we had all the makings of a great pirate adventure.

You all know by now that crafting is a compulsion with me. Therefore you know I couldn't just stop there....

I made a Pirate X softie. Much more durable and fun to play with. How cute would this be in a pirate themed gift. A wooden paintable pirate chest filled with this X, gold coins, a plastic telescope, eye patch...

This would be a fun party favor for a pirate themed birthday...

I used a blanket stitch and filled the felt X with poly fill.

Yo ho ho! Happy hunting!


  1. The X-softie is perfect. I love that idea. Now, how can I incorporate that?

  2. What fun! What do you think of the new Disney show?

  3. @MaryAnne, Not sure yet. Only have seen one episode. My initial reaction was non-plussed. I didn't like the video game feel of it. The girls prefer shows that are a bit more educational. I find they get bored if they aren't learning anything new. I honestly, think it won't keep the kids interest for long. It is too bad Disney had an opportunity to do something great.

  4. I love this prop! That is so fun and I love that you made map lines! For awhile my boys loved to draw maps of the house to the "treasure" - The couch would be misty mountains, the fireplace the cave of despair. Maybe an x marks the spot will revive their map making skills :) I'll get busy sewing!
