
A lesson in giving...

I love panda bears! Adopt one at WWF's Gift Center.

Just before the Holidays we received a World Wildlife Fund Catalog in the mail. The girls and I discussed adopting an animal. The girls thought it was a great idea. We looked through the catalog and chose the Giant Panda to adopt. I designated a jar the "Panda Fund" and the saving began. Lu and Em have been saving for several months and finally have enough ($25) saved to adopt their panda.

This has been a great experience for the girls on so many levels. We have learned about giving, China, Pandas, protecting the environment, math (counting our coins weekly, sometimes daily), patience, selflessness and gratitude.

I would really like to continue the theme of giving/gratitude. What ways do you incorporate these lessons into fun and meaningful activities?


  1. What a neat lesson! I love that your girls earned and saved the money for this!

  2. Congratulations on your adoption! I have been wanting to do something similar for the girls but keep it local. Since K loves the ocean so much we have been doing a mini beach clean up every time we go to the beach before we swim.I want them to save some money and contribute it to an ocean - type organization here. You've inspired me to get on it! :)

  3. @Sharon, Lu wants to do a beach clean up too. She will be happy to know her pal Kailani does this activity too! Btw: She picked out some cool stickers for the girls. Just need to send them off...

  4. That's a great idea, so sweeet and meaningful.

  5. I love that you made it their job to save up the money for it! We talk about gratitude in terms of taking good care of all of our 'things' and making sure we don't break them and that we we put them away nicely. We also talk about giving and every few weeks the kids go through their rooms and chose items to donate to children who don't have as much as they do. It's amazing how willingly they will share their toys and books with children they've never even seen!

  6. @Cheldi, I agree. The girls really seemed genuinely excited to give. Thanks for your comment!

  7. Love it!! We "bought" a rabbit at Christmas time for a family in Africa. I like they your girls saved for it.
    Was it a one time fee?

  8. @crazysox- yes it was a one time fee.

    Love the rabbit idea. We will have to look into that! I assume it was through the Heiffer Project.
