
Popsicle Stick Ballerina Ornament

Way back in 2009 we (mainly me, Lu was 3.5 yrs old) made an adorable Ballet Ornament 2009 for her teacher. Lu forgot about making the ballerina and subsequent swimmer. I thought it was time to try it again! This year's version both girls joined in on the fun. Lu was finally old enough to do most of the construction on her own. She is also the mastermind behind the use of glitter! I still had to help with the cutting of Popsicle sticks and tying on of ribbons. 


Ballerina 2009                                              Swimmer 2009

Continue reading for instructions.

My New Obsession...

Alright, I am going to come clean. I am a bit obsessive. I will find something I love and it will take over my life to the detriment of everything else. It can be a craft, a tv show, a book, puzzles, a food... Luckily these obessions are short lived and I can move on until my next craze. My past obsessions have included, intricate tissue paper collages (my kitchen table was covered with tiny bits of tissue paper for weeks), the TV series Bones (I discovered it in season 5 so catching up became well...), Suduko (I would burn through Suduko books like crazy), Hurricane Popcorn (I ate so much I can't even look at it now!), and of course, blogging (we all know how that turned out.) The list goes on and on. My newest obsession is wet felting. I am a felting maniac! I just find it so creative and relaxing.

Here is my latest creation.

I created a long panel of felt. Cut it into three strips, keeping one end attached, and then braided them to create the base of my band.  The nice thing about braiding the band is that it provides a bit of stretch to the band. I then sewed on several flowers that I made out of the salvage felt and added some tulle. I know something is a hit with my kids when they start fighting over it ;-)


Easy Finger Puppets

Our friends 8 year niece initiated this craft! She brought out chenille stems, google eyes, pom poms and glue.

She showed the the kids, a 3 year old, two 4 year olds and an almost 6 year old, how to wrap the stem around their fingers and carefully remove it. The kids were left to decorate their puppets any way they wished. She had the kids working away quietly on this craft for fifteen-plus minutes. Thanks Lauren!!! My girls think you are pretty cool.

They loved this craft so much they have been asking to go to the craft store so they can get more chenille stems. I think this was a pretty successful activity! Definitely worth keeping some chenille stems on hand for this one.

A Little Library Love

We are loving our local library this summer. They have so many great summer programs! The girls are especially excited about the Summer Reading Program. They received a passport and nylon bag when they signed up. Each week they get stamps in their passports, depending on how many days they read for 20 minutes or more, and a little prize. Both girls love reading and the library but this little incentive has made going to the library even more fun.

Another program they happily participated in raises awareness about our local farms and eating healthy. The children were required to visit six local farms and catalog a fruit or vegetable the farm offered. Our entire family has enjoyed exploring the many small farms in our town. As a reward for completing the task the girls received a canvas bag they could color. As you can see this is serious business ;)

Stay cool in this heat and check out your local library! I am sure it is not to late to join your towns summer reading programs. Happy reading, Mama King

Mini Pull String Pinata

We went to a party and there was a pull string pinata. Lu and Em came home and proceeded to take a box out of the recycling bin and start filling it with bead necklaces, squinkies and plastic rings. They came to me and wanted me to tape it closed and put a string on it so they could hang it up.  I had to ask, "What are you guys doing?" "We're making a pinata!" Oh...of course.

Their pinata served its purpose but I decided we needed a snazzier model.

We made an easy mini pull string pinata out of a empty cracker box. We decoupaged the box by gluing tissue paper onto the box. I find it is the fastest way of covering a printed surface. Water down glue and have the kids rip up some tissue paper. Use a foam brush or large craft brush to apply the glue. Make sure you leave the bottom open. When dry enough to handle and still fold flaps, punch holes along the flaps. Thread long strips of ribbon through the holes. Secure one ribbon tightly to the inside of the flap. This is the ribbon that will open the pinata. The others will just slide out when pulled. Once the ribbons are attached, fill with small toys or candy, then fold the flaps to the closed position. Glue two piece of tissue paper to secure flaps (or tape.) Make sure you don't make it too hard to open. Let dry.

Once dry, let the kids decorate the box. Lu cut out the spots and Em made the balloon drawing while we waited for the box to dry.

Make everyday a party!

Have fun crafting with your kids. XO Mama King

Summer So Far...

Here is a glimpse of our summer so far...

Instagram Obsession

I am obsessed with my new free iPhone app. It is called Instagram.
You can choose various filters and effects to spruce up your photos.

Selective focus is fun to play with.

This is one of my favorite filters. It turns a photo into instant nostalgia!

Saturation! Love the colors. Perfect for this post pool and popsicle shot.

This filter added drama to a somewhat uniteresting photo of a lit lantern floating up in the sky.

I can't stop playing with this app!

Wet Felting

My knitting group learned how to wet felt this past week. We turned this gorgeous roving into felt sheets.

Rainbows, Sunflowers and Strawberries

Watering the sunflowers

Picking our strawberries

Have a Happy 4th of July!