
Family fun Magazine

Hello! I am still in the midst of moving. Just wanted to pop in and share some exciting news. Family Fun Magazine (a must subscription for crafty mamas) just featured a 4 Crazy Kings jellyfish craft in the Every Day Fun section of the August issue. We even made the Blogs We Love status! 

How's this for irony? Since we are moving my subscription to FF has been interrupted! So the one month I am featured is the one month I don't receive my magazine! Not to worry, I saw my feature on their digital edition!

I'll be back to blogging regularly once we are settled in our new home. Until then, enjoy the rest of your summers! Much love, Mama King

One from the Vault: Recycled Coffee Cup Sleeve

 Corrugated Cardboard Coffee Sleeve
Hole Punch
Glitter, Paint, Crayons, Tissue, Sequins... 

Cut crown shape. Collage crown. Punch 2 holes on either end of crown. Cut rubber band so it opens into one long strip. Thread through holes and knot. Original post is here.