Who knew the few extra seconds it took me to arrange Lu's snack into a turkey would have made her day. I got the inspiration from this months Family Fun Magazine.

My turkey is much more simplified than the magazines - plus I used what I had on hand. Flower shaped sprinkles for the eyes and plane shaped Bachman Kidzels for the feet.

On a similar note.
This piece of cardboard came with a blanket I bought for Lu's bed.
Literally 2 minutes of cutting equaled hours of playing.
What a great mom you are! Those girls are darling and the turkey snack is so cute!
Two great ideas! That turkey is just too cute.
Oh my gosh, that is the cutest turkey ever!! Now, if I could just get my children to eat pears....
And the my-little-ponies, I wonder when my daughter will be interested in these. simple crafts are always seem the most interesting to the littler among us.
Hooray for the castle! I gave my two year -old the cardboard from the new baby gate and he had a blast coloring on something different! I'm seeing colouring oppotunities in all kinds of discarded packaging now! Hooray free art supplies!
A castle will def. be coming from the next box!
Your castle is brilliant - we will definitely be doing that at our house!
What a cute treat. My little one does not care for pears. We are just getting into the My Little pony also. I could do that treat with oranges...
that is a creative idea!!! precious girls too!
Just fantastic!!!! Childhood memories mean so much and this is sure to stick with her for life!!!! It just gives me the warm fuzzies!!!
What a cute snack!! I love Family Fun and way to go on adapting it to fit what you have on hand!!
How do you do that!? Use something that could easily be thrown in the recycling, but instead transform it into something to use for your child's imagination? Love that castle idea!! My daughter would love it for her ponies.
That turkey snack is so adorable. Jeepers you are so creative. It is so wonderful.
Eek, how cute is that turkey! Love that castle too and it'll be so much easier to store than those big plastic playsets they sell!
Awwwwwwwww.... So adorable!!! I love how little things like that can make the kiddos so happy. :-)
I just wanted to let you know that I made my own version of this and posted it on my blog, giving you credt, of course.
I love the cardboard castle! I have two similar pieces of cardboard hanging out around here because I knew there was SOMETHING I could do with them!
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