(From the left) Emme's Choco, Lulu's Choco
A Mother for Choco is a wonderful children's book (regardless if your child is adopted or not) about a little bird looking for a mother that looks like him. In the end he discovers a mama bear who does not look like him but is the perfect mother. My girls LOVE this book. Even though my girls are not old enough to understand the concept of adoption they just think Choco is so cute and are happy for him when he finds mama bear. They were thrilled to make their very own Choco. I will be reading this book and doing this craft with Lulu's class to celebrate National Adoption Month. For all you Adoptive Mommies out there: Just ask your child's teacher if you can do something because most teachers will not think of doing anything unless they know someone who is adopted. Lu's teachers were more than happy to have me come in and do something.

A Mother for Choco (Paperstar) by Keiko Kasza (Paperback - Mar 19, 1996)
Buy new: $5.99
Very cute =)
ohh , i like this
This is so sweet.
My daughter would love this project too! your girls did a fab job!
I love how they have books out there to help children understand about life and how everyone may do something different in their homes. Great project...
My Round Robin is Friday if you want to join in...
Those are sooo cute :)
What a sweet story, and I love how this craft turned out! I just know Lu's classmates are going to love it too.
This was one of the Tongginator's favorite books at age three. What a great craft idea!
Me ha gustado mucho ver las cosas que haces. Un saludo desde Spain.
divertidisima...la cara da risa a mi hija le ha encantado..felicidades!
Great Idea! We love this book in our house. I am going to do this in my daughter's preschool class tomorrow. Thanks for the idea!
@Anonymous - Hope the kids enjoy it!
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