An adult adoptee shared a beautiful story about how her mother explained adoption by using the analogy of grafting a branch to a tree. I loved the idea of a tree and a branch growing together as one over time. A family tree seems like a natural craft project.

There are all types of ways you can assemble your family tree (it actually doesn't even need to be a tree.)
A paper collage is easy for smaller children. The adult cuts out the pieces. Have the child tell you the family memebers names as you write them on the leaves. You can get creative and use other materials besides construction paper. Cut leaves out of an old painting your child did. You can also cut leaves out of paper made from melting crayon between wax paper, leaf rubbing, fabric backed with iron interfacing or glued to card stock to stiffen, colored foam sheets or felt.
You can
hang your leaves on a small tree outside your house with colorful ribbon. Remember to laminate your leaves. (You can use clear packing tape or contact paper)
You can also bring in and
decorate a small branch with your family leaves. You also do not have to make leaves! You can make flowers or make Aunt So-and-So a squirrel and Great Grandpa an owl. Have fun and be creative!
You can have older children
create a family collage on a small poster board using photos, glitter, markers, magazine cut outs...
You can
plant a tree together as a family.
Older children may be interested in
volunteering, educating, raising money or even sponsoring a child... There are some wonderful organizations that your older child can get involved with helping other children. I know a lot of schools, churches and community organizations run events like providing backpacks filled with supplies for foster kids. Or even holding a bake sale or lemonade stand to raise money for an organization of their choosing.
Another photo from our journey! Emme's last well visit appointment.
Don't you love the hat! Korea 2008