The girls and I really enjoyed making these luminaries! Unfortunately it was hard to photograph them. Believe me, they look really cool in person!
What you need to make your own Halloween Cereal Box Luminary:
- Box (any size is fine)
- Pencil
- Xacto Knife or similar & cutting surface
- Mod Podge (Glitter Mod Podge if you have it)
- Foam Brush
- Wire Hanger
- Pliers & Wire Cutters
- Hole Punch
- Yellow & Orange Tissue Paper
- Glue Gun or Strong Glue
- Battery Powered Tea Lights
- Extras: Collage materials

Unfold box.
Cut off top flaps. Leave the bottom ones!
Have child draw face on unprinted side. Make sure the picture is contained on one panel. This will be the front of your luminary.
Have an adult cut out features. Be careful! I let my daughter pop the pieces of card board out after I was done cutting.
Cut or tear tissue into manageable size pieces. Don't make pieces too small. Using lighter colors will help the luminary glow better.
Put Mod Podge in a small container. Have child brush on Mod Podge on a section of box. Show child how to lay a piece of tissue down and lightly brush on top with foam brush. Be sure to slightly over lap as you go. You will be laying tissue over openings too. You will not be able to see through the openings until the glue dries and the box is lit from within.
Smaller children: Have your own foam brush and help them. Maybe they brush on glue and lay tissue paper and you go over the top.
Optional: decorate box with collage materials. Be mindful of where your openings are.
Let tissue dry over night.
When dry bend and glue box into its original shape. A hot glue gun works best.
To light use several battery powered tea lights. The more light the better! The picture below is not lit. I think it still looks pretty and decorative even when not lit. Top picture shows luminary lit.

Optional hanger: Take a wire hanger and cut off the top using wire cutters. Bend hanger to create an arc shape.

Punch holes in both sides of your box. You can put pony beads on to decorate handle. Insert ends into hole. Use pliers twist to create spiral. Enjoy!

This is my younger daughters luminary. She is two. If you are working with kids at different skill levels be sure to be flexible and allow for them to do the project but in their own way. Em enjoyed gluing the tissue and pompoms on. I used a hole punch to create openings for light to escape.