Last week was Lulu's first ice skating class. She LOVED it and had a blast! I was a little worried because she is a bit of a DQ (Drama Queen.) I held my breath the first time she fell. (Not because I was worried she had hurt herself. Oh no...I was worried she would scream as if someone had ripped her arm from its socket. Attention all voice over people - if you need a kid to scream a blood curdling scream send me an email!) Lu looked up from the ice and had the hugest grin on her face. Ahhh...I could breath again. She must have fell 20 time and smiled her way through every fall. She even managed to skate a few feet to the cone she is holding onto in the picture. Yippee! It is so wonderful seeing your children enjoying and embracing something you know is a challenge for them.
Today is lesson number two. Hope you have fun doing something new today too!
Love her smile. It's so big. My 11 yr old is in hockey and has been skating since he was 4. We plan to get our 3 1/2 yr old on skates this winter. You always worry b/c they aren't landing on anything soft and boo boos can happen so easily. Glad Lulu did so well.
She looks so happy in that top picture! Glad to hear she liked the class =)
That is so neat. I am glad she is enjoying it.
That is so darn cute! I'm so happy for you. I'm sad I have to miss my nephew in dance class and piano lessons AND soccer. I'll live vicariously through you. :)
Way to go, Lulu!!! She looks so happy!
Awesome, I always wanted to take ice skating lessons when I was a kid but we couldn't afford them. I still love watching ice skating on television. Glad she had a great first day!
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