Another busy week comes to an end. Spent most the week visiting my sister in CT. (The girls and I had a wonderful time! Pictures to come.) Both girls were very excited to get in some good quality Daddy time after being away for so long. Saturady we attended a family adoption picnic hosted by the agency both Emme and I were adopted through.
I got the opportunity to join several other amazing adult adoptees speak about our adoption experiences and field questions at the picnic. I always love opportunities like this because I meet adult adoptees who I share an unspoken bond with.
If you are an adult adoptee and you have an opportunity to attend an adult adoptee event please do. This is a picture (I'm the one with the red purse) from a conference held annually at Rutger's University organized by the CPFA (Concerned Persons for Adoption.) This was my second year speaking with the group pictured above. It will be held again this year in November. I am looking forward to speaking again and of course seeing my fellow panelists. I love that it is such a diverse group! If you are in the NJ, NY or PA area and are an adoptive parent or adoptee you can find out more about the conference at the CPFA website.
For all you Korean adoptees out there the Outreach Director who helped organized the picnic and panel mentioned attending the Korean Gathering for Adult Adoptees in Korea next August. I wish I could afford to go! It is still isn't out of the realm of possibilities...fingers crossed. I know it would be an incredible experience.
LOVELOVELOVE the birthday picts!
Dad looks GREAT in the kitchen! XOXOXO
That conference sounds amazing! I'm not an adoptee, but I do wish to adopt some day. What an terrific experience! Please keep us posted when the next conference is in November!!
Valerie, Thanks, I will keep you posted. The Rutgers conference is also great for prospective adoptive parents!
That would be a fabulous experience, have you been back to the motherland since being adopted? I have mixed feeling about going back. Don't know if I told you but Brad has been to Korea and has better memories of the country than I do. He went as a graduate student through an exchange study program for two weeks.
That is so good to know, and I would definitely be interested in attending! My parents live close to Rutgers, so I could easily drop the girls off for a visit with Abuela and Grandpop. Thanks so much for passing along the info!
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