Beading craft kits are a great way to keep kiddies entertained through holiday toasts and the long break between dinner and dessert.
They also act as cute name place markers.
Customize the beads to the holiday you celebrate.
Christmas: red, green, silver, gold or white
Hanukkah: blue and white (silver)
Kwanzaa: red, black, and green

Fill jars with beads, bells, chenille stems and lanyard.

I have been saving spice jars for this purpose.
You could use a gift bag or cellophane treat bag.

Decorate your jars with stickers.
I found this glitter snowflake set last year in the bargain bin.

Thread a bell onto a long length of ribbon.
Then thread beads on to both sides of the ribbon to hold bell on place.
Tie onto lip of container.

I save Christmas cards and reuse them as gift tags.
You can use a craft punch or pinking shears to cut them out.
The lids of the jars will be decorated with the child's name and some decorative paper.