Merry Christmas

The 4 Crazy Kings wish you all a wonderful Christmas!

Unfortunately, the girl's Grandpa King and my dear sweet Father-in-Law is gravely ill. 
We will be on hiatus until the New Year. 


XO Mama King


***Sharon*** said...

This is the most beautiful picture....ever. How many shots did it take to get it? I have yet to take our Christmas photos!!!

Wishing my best to Grandpa King!

TG said...

I wish your father in law a speedy recovery and hope you have a warm and wonderful family Christmas.

MaryAnne said...

Your picture is wonderful!

I'm so sorry to hear about Grandpa King. We will be thinking of you and your family.

Abbie said...

Blessings, warm wishes, and prayers to you and your family during this time! Your girls are soooo very cute in this pic. Merry Christmas! And happy new year!

Anonymous said...

I will be holding you in my prayers.

Elle Belles Bows said...

Beautiful picture and prayers are with your father in law. Kerri

a Tonggu Momma said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this news. Praying for a speedy and complete recovery.

Katie said...

So sorry to read this Kim! Thinking of you, your FIL, and family {Hugs}

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

So sorry to hear about Grandpa King. Sending big hugs your way. We'll be thinking of you and your family -- your girls are ADORABLE!!! xoxo

D said...

Sorry to hear about Grandpa King. Prayers for a speedy recovery!

PS. Your girls are adorable! You're so blessed. :)


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