4 Crazy Kings features mainly kids craft projects with some Mommy made crafts and family photos thrown in. I am a former High School Art Teacher and am now a SAHM. I have two little bean sprouts Lu & Em and an amazing husband. Together we make up the 4 crazy Kings. I am pretty much the only one guilty of being crazy in the family but since they are along for the ride -- that makes them crazy by association! This blog chronicles all our creative and crazy adventures.
I have been a fan of ABC & 123 since the very beginning. I think pretty much anything the Katie's do is pretty amazing. Enjoy the picnic! Mama King
Crafty Picnic Idea: We are always on the look out for fun materials we can craft with. So we always bring a pail along for the girls to fill with their found treasures.
- Rocks can be painted to look like lady bugs and bumble bees
- Leaves can be used for rubbings
- Pine cones are great for bird feeders (smear with peanut butter & roll in seeds) or paint and glue feathers to to make your own bird.
- Sea shells and drift wood make a great mobile
- Sticks, Rocks, Acorns & Leaves make great building materials for a fairy house your kids can build and leave at your picnic site.
I've enjoyed your blog for a while now...you have such cute ideas. Cute picture of you and your girls.
Oh, I'm glad you joined the picnic too! I always love reading your blog!
You can send over some of the height any time! I like to think I'm five two, but I probably fall a little short of that even☺ It's funny when the word verifications seem related, my friend Vickie got unest once and thought was pretty funny.
Thanks for joining the picnic. That is a great picture of you and your girls. You are a lovely mama! Thanks for including your fun ideas for crafting with the treasures the kids collect while they are out and about in the summer!
Nice to meet you. Great picture!
I enjoy reading your blog...it was nice to get to know you a little more!!
I think we need to take your advice and paint some rocks! Meghan loves to paint but loves rocks even more!
Great to meet you! I love all your ideas for using the nature treasures your children collect!
We just pulled up a lot of rocks from our front yard to re-landscape the front. We ought to save a few rocks for painting. :)
I have made rock pets before. They are fun.
Nice to meet you. I'm also a techer and SAHM now. I love being with my girls every day.
It was fun to get to know you. I love your idea for reusing junk mail and making activity books. I am definitely going to try that. Happy picnicing!
So glad to have visited your site. Your little ones are too cute!!!
Loved your picninc craft ideas. thanks for sharing.
I am excited to find your blog following ABC Picnic introductions. Congratulations on finalizing the adoption of your beautiful girl, and I will be coming back for craft ideas. I am the least craftiest person in the world, but there must be something that my 2.5 and I can learn to do together :)
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