Katie (Katie's Nesting Spot) has a simple tutorial here on her blog for a simple but beautiful way to send a photo or original artwork from your peanut. Last week I had some of my Moms Group friends over for wine and cheese...and a craft! The ladies loved how easy these were to make and how "professional" and "expensive" looking they came out. The only thing I don't show is -- cut your photo or artwork a bit smaller than your inside matte, slide on top of inside matte and under ribbon, center and glue down. The ribbon is only attached on the top back and inside bottom.
I assembled some masculine looking papers and ribbon from my collection since I had father's day in mind. The two I made will be sent to Lu & Em's Grandfathers. I cut everything to to size for the ladies. All they had to do was choose the combination and glue.
I provided clothes pins to hold down the ribbon while it dried. (The patterned paper was origami paper.) Thanks Katie for the idea!
Hey! Thanks for sharing Katie's idea - very clever. And, thanks so much for the comments. One of my favorite things about blogging is connecting with such interesting, nice people! xo e
Very nice! I can't wait to try this. I'm always looking for ways to use my daughter's art in other projects... thanks!
Hey there...I am very excited to let you know that you are the winner of my 100th Post giveaway! If you can, please email me at Ashleycornewell@yahoo.com and let me know what your address is and I will ship out your won prizes...Trust me there are plenty of goodies. Also when you receive the package please post for the others to see what my favorite things are. CONGRATS!
Hey! Did you know that you won the giveaway from Domestic Divas Fancy? LUCKY! (BTW - PLEASE tell me your name is not Laurie. I've been calling you KIM this whole time!?!)
Congrats on ur mystery prize from Ashley! U go gurl!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see what it is!!!!
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