Button & Felt Barrettes

Blue Eyed Blessings issues a Craft Challenge every month. This months item you needed to incorporate into your project was buttons. This was the perfect opportunity for me to get around to making some cute felt & button barrettes. I have seen so many of these floating around the blog! So not the most original idea. But it was fun to experiment with different styles and is a bit addictive. I might be hooked!


Anonymous said...

Well done! I am glad to see you were inspired. IThat is the thing I like most about this...I get to think outside the box and try something new.

Katie said...

Your barrets came out so nicely! I am lazy and use my die cut machine to die cut out felt flowers to make mine but I really like the how yours have more variety to them.

Making hair clippies is addictive, I make my daughter a ton with my trusty hot glue gun. What kind of clips did you use? Did you cover them first?

Have you tried making hair band covers yet? Have you seen the felt and yarn flowers from Yoonie at Home?

PS: On another subject, do you think the curly hair looks unnatural on a Korean? I don't know anyone else with naturally wavy hair like that but don't want to fall back on the stereotype. That's another reason I tend to straighten it. Just wondering.

Mama King said...

Hi Katie, So glad you like the barrettes! I was thinking as I was cutting them out how envious I was of you and your die cut machine!! LOL! Someday...maybe next Christmas. I haven't made any hair bad covers yet. Do you have a picture of some that you've made? I'll check out Yoonie. I covered the metal clip (the kind that bends when open) with ribbon and fabric glue on one and left the metal clip on the other because it was a pretty color. The smallish one I sewed to a small hair elastic.

Re: Korean hair...a lot of Koreans perm their hair so... I guess not so strange to see curly hair on a Korean. My friend who is Philippino has curly hair and gets her hair straightened with some sort of Japanese technique?

Heather in SC said...

How did you make those? I'd love to make some :)

Heidi Boos said...

Oh, I'm so glad you decided to join in on the challenge! I am really enjoying seeing everyone's projects that they have come up with. I love these felt barettes and how you finished it off with a button. Super cute! Hope to see you back again for the next challenge!

Clemencia said...

How adorable! I am speechless :)

Tanielle said...

So cute!! I will have to give them a try. I have a hairbow boutique, but never have tried the felt ones! I love these!

Have a great Saturday!


mub said...

These are really cute, I love the pink one with the little loopies!

Dawn said...

Those are adorable! I love them all.

Xazmin said...

Those turned out really cute! I love buttons!



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