I hope I don't let my nerves and emotions get the better of me! I'll be missing my support system of Leah and Leah who usually speak with me. Although with each speaking engagement I get more and more comfortable sharing my story and perspective. It makes it bearable knowing I might be helping others by sharing. This is my first time speaking to other Korean Adult Adoptees. In past engagements I have spoken to perspective parents, parents and social workers.
The topic is described: What are the experiences of Korean Adoptee Parents? This session will provide an opportunity for Korean Adoptees to discuss their thoughts and experiences around becoming or contemplating becoming parents either through birth or adoption. Several Korean Adoptees Parents will share their stories of becoming parents and how the experience relates back to their own adoptions, relationship and thoughts of birth family, and racial and cultural identity.
Wish me luck! I'll let you know how it goes! By the way, the picture is of me in Korea (I am somewhere around 16 months.) Don't you just love those pants?! I am standing in front of the Holt Adoption Agency. When we adopted Emme I took a picture in front of those same doors.
You should not be nervous, I know you'll do a great job. I wish I could come and hear you. We've considered adopting from Korea ourselves, but I thinking being Type II might hinder that. I too have a grainy picture from Korea, I look like a balding little boy so hey don't worry about those pants! Holt sounds familiar, I'm wondering if that's who my brother was adopted from. I'm pretty sure my agency was Bethany Christian Services or something like that. My mom still gets an adoption magazine that makes we want to adopt every kid in it.
Best of luck! Gorgeous photo and the pants are fabulous! (:
Those pants are fantastic! My MIL does that to my kids. I don't know why the must be above the belly button! I am going to read on to find out more about your talk.
You will do great!
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